
Daniel: newborn to four months

A catch up on our baby boy. He loved to sleep.

Two weeks old with his bunny.

Mummy and her handsome boy.

He looks a little monkey-ish here.

His super cute shoes!

First airplane ride. Off to Canada!

Hanging out with daddy.

Happy Halloween!

Smiley boy.

Why are my parents so mean to me?

Hello Monket! You make me smile.

Twinkle, twinkle little Scout. The nature sounds make him sleep.

Cool baby.

Playing with my big sis!

Passed out in the cafe on New Years Day while mum and dad have breakfast with their friends.

Playing with Ava again (always had big smiles and giggles for her!)

Visiting daddy at work.

The happiest baby in the world.

Well, not always.

Smiles, smiles, and more smiles.

Out for a wintery walk.

Daniel is such a happy little guy. He's quite big for his age and is already in 6-9 month sized clothing even though he only just turned 4 months!

He giggles and smiles a lot and is very calm most of the time. He does get wound up when it's time for his bottle though and you would have thought he'd been starved by the way he reacts when you're getting it ready!

He also gets slightly cranky when he's tired but he settles into his nap pretty quickly.

He's an excellent sleeper and has been sleeping very well at night since he was born. He has slept through the night many times already.

He has had a couple of colds this winter, one of them resulted in him being taken by ambulance to the hospital. He was struggling to breath and had a fever. In the end he came home with an inhaler to use for a couple of weeks.

He is still sleeping in our room at night but we are going to change that soon, maybe tomorrow.

Here he is now, asleep on my lap:

Night night.

1 comment:

  1. Wow Becky I didn't realize you had posted these - what a great photo story of the last little bit :) For whatever reason, the 4th one in the post made me burst out laughing. Thanks for the daily dose of 'cute'!
