
Speedy little monkey!

Daniel is walking everywhere these days and doing it quickly as well!
Here he is in his new PJ's ready for bed :)

And here's one I took just before story time.

My babies ❤


Sweet baby boy

Daniel was crawling around and stopped for a little rest :)

I love this little guy!


11 months

Daniel was 11 months old yesterday. How is it possible that he's going to be ONE in just a month??

He's such a sweet, happy and fun by baby. He walks all over the place now and is getting better at not bumping his head when he loses balance. He loves Ava and Graham and always wants to be around us.

He's very tall, wearing 18 months sized clothing (sometimes 24 months!)

He loves airplanes and laughs when he sees them. If he hears one from inside the house he looks for a window and points.

I think he might have said "boat" this week while looking at his boat mobile :)


Giant baby on the loose!


We took the kids to Bourton-on-the-water and walked around the miniature village which is an exact replica of the town itself. Ava loved it, especially the church that played music of a choir singing.

"I can see youuu!"

I'll huff and I'll puff...

"Anybody home?"

Feeding the ducks by the beautiful river

It was a long day.