
Some recent cuteness

Ava is starting to form sentences now and seems to understand most of what we say to her. We're even beginning to understand what she's saying to us! Earlier this evening she kept holding her hands up to her mouth like a megaphone and saying 'Minta mental!' over and over again and I had absolutely no idea what she was talking about. Suddenly while Iwas feeding her dinner, it registered - she was shouting 'Mister Tumble!' which is the name of the clown on one of her tv shows. Whenever they want to see Mister Tumble, kids hold their hands up to their mouths like Ava was doing, and shout his name. I guess she was bored with me and wanted to see him instead.

This morning Graham went in to change her diaper while I was still in bed, and I could hear him singing the I Can Cook song from Cbeebies; 'Roll up your sleeves, give your hands a wash with slippy dippy soap - splish, splash, splosh! Have you done your hands? Washed and dried? Sleeves rolled up and apron tied! What can you do? I can cook!' He sang all of it except the 'I can cook' part which he kind of left hanging, and then suddenly Ava sang it for him!

Later, when I was changing her diaper she was looking around the room and then she said: 'What can you see?' It always amazes me when she strings words together and actually makes a sentence.

She can also have a mini conversation with us now:
Ava: Hello mummy.
Me: Hello Ava.
Ava: How are you?
Me: I'm good thanks, how are you?
Ava: Good... (big smile)

The other day she found an orange peel on the table, picked it up and looked at me with a sad face, and said: 'Oh no... broken.' It was heartbreakingly sweet.

We had her friend Cody and his mum Isabelle around for tea this afternoon and Ava spent a good few minutes chasing Cody around with his sippy cup saying 'Cody 'mere! Cody 'mere!' (Cody come here!) trying to make him drink it.

She's very sweet and sociable most of the time. She is having temper tantrums now though, whenever we try to take her away from something that she's enjoying, she drops to the floor and flops around like a jelly fish for a few minutes. We usually just stand there without looking at her and wait for it to finish.

We've put the Christmas tree up and I had fun decorating it the other day. Ava now has fun un-decorating it at least three times a day.