
Just a note

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Chubby Baby

Yesterday I went to work for the first time in nearly two years. It was mainly just as a favour because the girl who does my old job is getting married this week and is taking a lot of time off so they're a bit short staffed. Anyway I got a call on Monday evening from my former boss and he asked if I could cover the afternoon so I said yes. Graham wasn't working so he looked after Ava.

It was nice to see so many people that I hadn't seen in ages, and it was a little strange being back in that chair, in that office but I think I did okay. It did make me realise that I'm not ready to leave Ava and go to work anytime soon though. I'm much happier being a stay at home mom and taking care of her full time.

They seemed to have a nice day together and Graham got a lot done around the house - he's putting me to shame as a housewife! Ava however, is in my bad books at the moment. She somehow managed to lead Graham to my secret stash of M&M's! I had them hidden in the desk drawer which she opened in front of him and he found them. Silly baby!

Anyway, I noticed today that her 4th tooth seems to have come through. It's the top left central incisor. No wonder she's been so cranky the last few days! She seemed much more content today and didn't complain once while we took her around Tesco's to do some grocery shopping.

This picture makes me laugh. It's not the most flattering Ava photograph I've ever taken but it's what happens every time I put her in her high chair. She kicks her legs around so much that she ends up slouched down as far as she can and she ends up looking like a lazy little fatso! :)


How much is that baby in the window?

Thought this was kind of cute. I was on my laptop just to the left of her and I noticed she was peeking out the window. :)

Then she heard me taking pictures and forgot all about the outside world.

Busy week

Graham's sister Jenni just graduated from Cambridge University this week and since we weren't able to attend the graduation ceremony we decided to drive up to see her the day before and take her out for lunch.

Graham & Jenni

Blowing kisses

Wrestling with Aunt Jenni

We had a nice day in Cambridge, it was really hot out though and by the end of the day I was completely worn out. Here are some other pictures taken recently.

Standing in her toybox watching something on TV

It's impossible to keep her away from the babygate. She's like a little monkey!

Yesterday the army put on a show in the big field behind our house so my friend Isabelle and I took the babies over to see what it was all about. They had sky divers jumping out of planes, tug-of-war games between rugby teams, carnival rides, cotton candy, bouncy castles, it was great! It was incredibly hot though so we didn't stay too long. We took the babies on their first ride as well, the teacups :)

Cody & Ava

Some skydivers

Riding the teacups!

Afterward we went back to Isabelle's house and let the babies splash around in the baby pool. Ava seemed to really enjoy herself which I didn't expect. The first time we put her in a pool she was really upset about it. Truth be told, I think I would have been as well, it was pretty cold that day! We have an inflatable pool for her at our house but I was waiting until her birthday to blow it up. I may give it a try today if it's as hot as it was yesterday.

Graham is working today but then he's off until Thursday so we're going to try and sort out the house and set it up for the BBQ. I think there might be quite a few people coming and it's not the biggest house in the world so I may need to do some rearranging.


Almost time for the BaByQ!

Ava is finally down for her nap this afternoon. It took ages for her to get tired today! Normally it's like she has a timer inside that says 'It's 11:00! Time for a nap!' And she sleeps until 1pm. Today however she didn't even go down until 1:00!

We're busy planning her Birthday BaByQ for next week, trying to get the yard looking presentable and sorting out the house. The weather this week has been brilliant, which means it will probably be rubbish just in time for her party. I'll need to rearrange the livingroom so it'll be better at accommodating 20+ adults.

Ben and Anna were around this past weekend and Anna taught me how to make a cake with fondant icing. I'm going to do a Hungry Caterpillar theme - hopefully it turns out!

Ava's vocabulary is expanding by the day it seems. She now says Mummy and Light (although it actually sounds like 'Yiye!') She points to the ceiling when she says it and also light switches.

She's also sleeping regularly through the night now :)


Another First!

Today I sat down on the kitchen floor with a piece of toast while Ava played with her cupboard full of baby stuff and when she saw me sit down, she decided to crawl over to investigate.

Once she got to me, she noticed my toast and tried to reach it. Then suddenly she just stood up all by herself! She didn't hold on to anything at all! Graham was in the kitchen as well and when I said 'Oh my God!' he turned around and saw her standing for a second before she plunked down onto her bum again. And then suddenly she stood up for a second time!We tried to get it on video but she wasn't co-operating. Maybe tomorrow :)

She also just got her 3rd tooth. This time it's the top right central incisor. The left one should be through any day now as well, they were both very close when they started to come down. She's been handeling it amazingly well. The only difficult bit has been meal times, when she doesn't want to eat anything unless it's pureed. I suppose that's understandable though, with a painful mouth.
She's such a happy, sweet baby these days. We're really enjoying her. She's even sleeping a solid 12 hours (sometimes longer!) at night. It's fantastic :)


Daddy & Baby

Mischievous Baby


Meeting Iggle Piggle & Upsy Daisy

A few weeks ago we found out that some of Ava's favourite TV characters would be visiting the childrens centre up the road so we decided to take her to see them.

Iggle Piggle, from In the Night Garden

Some baby ducks

I think these were some type of squirrel

We also got to see Upsy Daisy

We met up with Denise and her husband Dave and their little guy James, as well as our neighbours Isabelle and Eric and their baby Cody. It was a nice day over all, and Ava seemed to enjoy meeting Iggle Piggle and Upsy Daisy.

Pretty New Dress

My friend Sarah surprised me the other day when a package showed up at the door containing this adorable little dress. I decided to take some photos of Ava wearing it while she explored the kitchen.

She loves getting into the cupboard. It has all her baby food and dishes inside and she loves to look at the babies on the labels. It's kind of sweet actually, sometimes she'll grab the formula container and kiss the baby on the front. She just adores babies.


Sleepy Monkey

This morning I put Ava in her playpen while I was trying to clean up the kitchen. We're having a bit of a problem with ants at the moment so I need to make sure there isn't a single crumb anywhere. An almost impossible task when you have an 11 month old baby who likes to throw food on the floor.

While I was cleaning I could hear her whining a bit and chewing on some of her toys. I had my back to her while I cleaned the stove top and after a minute I noticed that she had stopped making any noise. When I looked behind me I saw her sprawled out on her stomach in the playpen, completely still.

Of course I panicked, thinking something was wrong but then I realised that she had just fallen asleep. She looked so sweet, cuddling her toys. It scared me only because she never falls asleep anywhere other than her bed or in the car.

Yesterday we took her cycling in the New Forest. It was her first time riding in one of those baby buggies that attach to the back of your bike. She was good half of the time, but the other half she cried. I think it was a little too bouncy for her, and I think she's still a bit too small for it.

We got to see a few ponies while we were on the bikes, but not very many. Ava was really excited by the baby pony we saw at one point. She would press her face against the screen of the buggy and squeal at the horses.

Unfortunately we forgot to take the camera with us so we didn't get any pictures. We had a very nice time though and maybe we'll do it again before the end of the summer.


11 Months

I know someone who's 11 months old today!!

We've started planning her 1st birthday party. It's unbelievable how quickly it has come up. We're going to have a BaByQ on the 4th of July and invite some of our friends and some of her friends around. Hopefully the weather is nice so we're not all forced to stay inside, the house isn't really big enough for more than a few guests.

Anyway, we're looking forward to it. Wish our Canadian friends and family could join us too, but maybe we'll be able to celebrate her 2nd birthday in Canada. :)