
Number 2

Well, I know I'm way behind in announcing this but we're expecting Baby Ball number two!

I'm just over 16 weeks pregnant now and so far all is well.

Ava is looking forward to being a big sister and she seems to like 'the baby in mummy's tummy.'

I didn't have much morning sickness this time around, just a bit of nausea and fatigue which has passed now. At the moment I'm just very hungry all the time and all I want is McDonalds food all the time!

In fact, it's embarrassing to admit but today I went to McDonalds and bought a Quarter Pounder meal for myself and some chicken nuggets for Ava. I ate my meal and when I looked over at Ava she was asleep in her carseat so I ate her last chicken nugget! Even after all of that, I was still hungry... so I went back to McDonalds and bought a Big Mac. I just couldn't control my hunger!

My tummy has grown much quicker this time and I've been in maternity jeans since before I was 12 weeks.

I've already felt the baby kicking a few times recently, which is always nice :)

We just got a new computer so it doesn't have any photos on it yet. I'll post the scan picture when I get a chance this week.