For a long time now I haven't been able to decide on the colour of her eyes - something that should be pretty obvious right? Pick a colour! They seem to change depending on the angle, and if you look straight into them it's even harder to decide what colour they are.
From the side they look like a golden brown, when she glances at you in the light they look green and when you stare at them they seem to have a greyish blue base with a green tint and then brown flecks scattered around.
I've decided they must be hazel.
She also now has 7 teeth! It took 9 months for the first one to come through but since then they've been popping out like crazy!
Ava learns things so quickly it just amazes us. She can say so many words and can identify objects when we ask her where they are.
Words she can say:
- Mummy
- Daddy
- Dog
- Baby
- Toe
- Eye
- Mouth (sounds like Mouw)
- Shoe
- Cat (Dat)
- Fish (Dish)
- Bounce, bounce, bounce (bow, bow, bow)
- Hi
- Hello (Ho!)
- Nose
- Ear
- Hair
- Bye bye
- Moon
- Pretty (when she sees flowers or plants)
- Teeth
- Beep
- Plane (Pin! and points at the sky)
- Tea
- Poo
- Stinky (Dity)
Wearing Daddy's massive shorts!
Cute things she does:- makes a 'baa' noise when she sees a sheep or lamb
- pants like a dog when she sees one
- meows when she sees a cat
- picks up a phone or remote and shouts 'Hi!' or 'Ho!' to 'answer' it
- waves and says bye bye when she's leaving or when she's talking to someone
- says 'nigh, nigh' when she's going to bed
- she dances to music on the tv
- she loves 'This Little Piggy' and tries to sing along to Old McDonald by saying 'E-Yo-E-Yo!'
- when she sees a bird she quacks like a duck
- she says 'num, num' when she wants food or when she sees it coming
She can identify her eyes, ears, mouth, nose, hair, toes and teeth and can find them on both Graham and I as well.
I'm sure I'm forgetting loads but that's all I can think of right now. For the most part she's a great baby, she's very happy and loves to play. The most frustrating thing about her right now is that it's impossible to brush her teeth. She clamps her mouth shut and I can't get anything in there. I feel really bad fighting with her because I know it'll just get worse and she'll fight even harder as she gets older. I wish I could figure out a way to make it fun for her.
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