
Funny Faces

Today was the last day of play group for the summer. I'm going to have to think of something else to do for the next several weeks now.

A few of the other mums gave me their phone numbers and we'll probably try to get together over the summer sometime.

Some pictures of Ava being silly. The second one is what she looks like when you tell her to make her 'funny face.'

It's been so rainy for the last week or so and it's getting hard to find things to do indoors that don't cost any money. We had about 15 minutes of sun this morning while we were at the playground but it's raining again now.

Where has summer gone?


About a week ago I noticed a red rash under Ava's left underarm. At first I thought she had just rubbed it on her highchair strap but it stayed for a few more days and I began to wonder if it was something else. I showed a few friends and they all seemed to think it was a heat rash from the warm weather.

On Tuesday I took her to Boots and asked the pharmacist what she thought it might be and how I should treat it. She also thought it looked like heat rash and gave me some calamine lotion to try.

On Wednesday morning it looked worse and I could see some redness under her right arm as well so I decided to take her to the doctor.

The doctor seems to think she has eczema :( so we were sent home with a few tubes of Aveeno cream to apply whenever it's needed. Ava has been really good about it and stops scratching whenever we tell her to, and she's very cooperative with letting us apply the cream.

This is what it looks like today:

If it doesn't improve over the weekend I'm going to take her back and see if they can try something else.

Poor little Ava :(


Yesterday we received a package in the post for Ava. When I opened it I found a very cute dressing up costume from Grandma Sue and Dodgy. They had found a little Spanish dress while sailing around Portugal and Spain, and decided to send it to Ava :)

I put the dress on her and I told her to 'stay there' while I ran to get the camera from upstairs. When I came back she looked like this:

She's actually seemed to like it so I'm not sure why she had such a sulky face in the first picture but I thought it was funny.

Everyone is so good to Ava, she's such a lucky little girl!



I measured Ava today (meant to do it on her birthday but I forgot) and she is about 33.5 inches tall or 2 feet and 9 1/2 inches.

Apparently the height they are on their second birthday, is half of what their adult height will be, so that will make Ava about 5'7" when she's full grown. I'll have to look back here and see how well that calculation worked out!

This morning after I got Ava dressed, I was taking her downstairs for breakfast and we had quite the tumble on our way down. About 5 steps from the bottom, I slipped and bounced all the way down on my back. Somehow I managed to hold on to Ava and she ended up using me like a sled!

We were both pretty startled and she cried a little bit. I knocked the stair gate right out of its position, which was kind of impressive considering the door was open, so it meant I must have hit one of the sides pretty hard.

I scraped my back and my right elbow, but the worst seems to be my second toe on my left foot. I don't think it's broken but it really hurts when I walk. Doesn't help much that yesterday I stubbed the one next to it on the wheel of a shopping cart - man did THAT hurt! It even bled :(

Silly, clumsy mummy!


Summer Captured on a Mobile Phone

I haven't been very good at taking pictures or keeping this journal going this summer but I'm trying to make up for it today.

Our camera hasn't been charged in ages and has just been sitting in the closet gathering dust. These pictures were taken on my mobile phone while I was out and about with Ava over the last few weeks.

The coolest kids car I've ever seen. If I had £130...

Ava chasing an enormous rabbit around the pet store

Going for a ride on Bob the Builders digger

Drawing pictures in Cafe Rouge

Making friends in the park

Making sure Daddy doesn't get any sunburn

Must remember to charge up the real camera!

Happy 2nd Birthday!

It's Ava's second birthday today!

We celebrated her birthday on Saturday with a few of her toddler friends and their mums. Graham's brother and younger sister came over as well and we had some food and cake. Ava was spoiled with all her presents!
On Sunday we went ot Jack's birthday party (they're both born on the 4th of July) and then Jenni and I took her for a picnic in the park.

We decided not to make a big deal about her birthday today because we didn't want to confuse her after having celebrated it on Saturday.

I forgot to take a picture of her until after I had already put her in bed so this is the only one we have. Her hair is wet because she had just had a bath. This was taken only moments after I put her down. Poor thing must have been worn out from her busy weekend!

My sweet little girl. I can't believe it's been two years.


Happy Canada Day!

Today we went into London to celebrate Canada Day! Every July 1st they have a big Canada Day event in Trafalgar Square. If I'm completely honest, I really only went for the Tim Hortons.


I am such a bad mother. (Yes, she ate the whole thing.)

Graham, Ava and Jenni

Ava admiring her new Canadian flag tattoo.

It was so crowded and really warm in the sun so we were all pretty worn out by the time we left the city. It was nice to be around some Canadians again, I love the London does something special for it's Canadian population.