
Visit to Canada

Ava and I are in Canada now, having a nice time visiting all my friends and family. It's been a very busy week so far and it's still going!

We arrived Monday evening after a long and exhausting flight. On Tuesday we went to Burlington to visit my Grandma B and then my Grandma R came from Mississauga to see us in the evening.

Wednesday we went shopping and then lounged by the pool for a while. I got a nice sunburn which is only beginning to fade now. Wednesday evening I went out for dinner with my friends from highschool, it was really nice to see them again. A couple of them couldn't make it for one reason or another but most of us were there :)

Thursday we went shopping again because I needed to return something I bought on Wednesday, then my friend Jenny came over and we made dinner for us and my parents. We were both really tired though, unfortunately we're both busy this weekend and we had to plan it during the week after she finished work.

Friday Ava and I went to Spencer Smith Park in Burlington on the lake and met up with my friends Jen and Mandy and their little girls. It was just a quick visit but it was nice to catch up. After that I went to Bed Bath and Beyond to get Ashleigh's bridal shower gift and we went over to Saba's house from there. Saba's little guy is so cute, he's very happy and gets excited over everything. He lets out these really loud shrieks and one of them scared Ava and she burst into tears lol. We left Saba's and stopped into my old work place to say hello to a few people and introduce them to Ava. Finally we went home, Ava had some dinner and then she, my mom and I went to Red Lobster in Burlington to have dinner with my grandmothers. It was a very busy day and Ava was excellent the whole time. She's putting up with this crazy schedule very well!

Today we're going to Ashleigh and Shawn's civil ceremony and then out to dinner afterward. We'll be having dinner at the same place Graham and I are having our wedding next fall. Our wedding will be upstairs and tonight we'll be eating downstairs. They've made some changes since I was last there, so hopefully the food is still nice!

Tomorrow is Ashleigh's bridal shower and then my family is having a barbeque in the evening so we can see my aunts and uncles etc.

On Monday my Grandma R wants to take a picture of Ava on her horse so we'll drive up to where he is for a quick visit. After that Ava and I are going to meet up with Sarah and probably go shopping. Should be fun!

Tuesday is my last full day here and I'm going to be spending it with my family. I tried to keep 3 days completely free when I was making plans but it just didn't work out that way. I need to book longer visits I think.

Anyway, better start getting myself ready for this ceremony! Wish I'd remembered my camera :(

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