
Teething, Dancing, Standing and Clapping!

My baby is getting her first tooth! (Finally)

It will be her bottom left central incisor when it comes through. We noticed it yesterday in the grocery store when she was laying in one of the baby seats. (I don't want to sit her up in the child seats yet because she chews on everything and I haven't got a cover to put over it) She doesn't seem to be in too much pain yet and isn't even showing any signs of teething. Although on Saturday when I had to leave her with friends for the day, she was an absolute nightmare. We thought it might be because she was upset that she was with different people but whenever I was holding her she was still cranky so we tried some Calpol (it's like baby tylenol) and 20 minutes later she was back to the happy baby we know and love.

Her cold went away about a week ago but today she has a runny nose again. Maybe the one she gave me has come back to her again?!

She's also learned how to pull herself up into standing position from sitting. Graham sat her down in her crib yesterday while he went to warm up her bottle by the changing table and when he turned around she was standing up holding onto the rail!

She waves all the time now too, it's really sweet. Somehow she seems to know that it's a way to greet people and she'll do it when you first see her or when she hasn't seen you for a little while. She also waves at Mirror Baby every time we go by a reflection.

Today we went to another baby class and this time Ava really got involved. She wanted to stand up the whole time and wiggled and danced to the music. She's never done that before so it was really amazing to see her do it all on her own (I was holding her up of course, she can't stand by herself yet) She was smiling and squeaking and clapping her hands too. When the teacher put a bunch of toys in the middle of the circle and said to put any babies who were able to move on their own down to go get some toys, I put Ava down and she scrambled for the toys like they were about to disappear! Everyone was laughing because she was the only baby who went after them and she also crawls like she's an inchworm. She hasn't quite figured out how to use her knees yet but I suppose if this way works for her, she probably never will.

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