
(kind of) On the move

Ava's really starting to become active. Even though she's not crawling yet she's getting very good at wiggling and dragging herself around when you put her on the floor.

She babbles all the time and likes to grab at everything, including hair and faces. She loves to watch your mouth when you're talking or eating and if she's close enough she'll try to grab it.

Her sleeping habits are getting better, she only wakes up once a night at the moment and she's pretty good at having her two naps upstairs in her crib around 11:00am and 4:00pm.

Still no signs of any teeth but I'm sure they'll find their way out eventually. (Probably just as she starts regularly sleeping through the night.)

I'm trying to increase her food intake and mix it up a little bit as well. At the moment her schedule looks a bit like this:

7:00am - Morning bottle
9:30am - Porridge
11:00am - Nap
12:30pm - Fruit or yogurt
1:30pm - Bottle
4:00pm - Nap
5:00pm - Dinner
7:00pm - Bath, Bottle, Bed

I need to mix up her breakfast a bit more, make her lunch a little larger and reduce the amount of her lunch time bottle.

She's also struggling with textured food and really fights it whenever I offer it. I really hope she comes around soon, it's getting frustrating and it's such a waste of food.

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