
Mom's Visit

It's been ages since I last wrote here! I've been so busy with things that I haven't even had a chance to think.

Not much has changed with the baby anyway. I'm just getting bigger and she's always got the hiccups. My back hurts more often now though, and usually only when I'm sitting in a chair or in the car. If I lay down it stops hurting but sitting any longer than about 10 minutes is pretty painful.

I started going to my antenatal classes last week, I had one on Friday, one on Saturday and now they're every Friday until the end of the month. I couldn't make it to the first one, but I attended the Saturday class last week and the Friday class today. They're a little bit boring, I have to say. Not at all what I was expecting. We just kind of sit around and listen to the midwife talk about labour... I kind of wish I'd been left in the dark about the whole thing now. I knew it wasn't going to be fun but I think I'd rather go in not knowing what was going to happen.

Anyway, I'm still eating like I'm on death row. I've actually got a box of mini muffins sitting next to me right now and within about a minute and a half I had already eaten 5. I'm such a pig!

My mom was here this past week for a visit. She arrived on the 3rd and went home on the 12th. It was a really nice visit, but it went by very quickly. We were pretty busy while she was here, we went to London for a day and we went up to Stratford to visit Graham's family on the weekend. Here are some pictures from her visit:

Mom & I

Graham and I eating breakfast at the diner down the road

Mom going for her first ride in Graham's new airplane :)

Graham and I peeking out of the phone boxes in Stratford

In Ron & Anne's backyard. I didn't realise how fat that shirt makes me look until now.

(LtoR) Anne, Steven, Robin, Laura, Graham, Me, Mom

Anyway, it was a nice week. Hopefully we'll be able to get out and do fun things while the rest of the family is here in July when the baby is born.

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