
11 Weeks

I woke up this morning with a terrible headache and I can't seem to shake it. In fact, shaking it is a very bad thing to do - anytime I move it just sets off the throbbing pain even more. Hopefully it'll go away soon, but it's already been about 10 hours :(

I've decided to start taking weekly pictures of my tummy to see how it progresses. This is the first one:

I only just noticed that I was getting bigger this week. My jeans were harder to put on than they usually are. Might have to invest in some stretchy pants soon.

I went to see Coldplay in London last night with my friend Kirstie - it was awesome! The concert was absolutely amazing! Chris is a little bit crazy but the rest of the band was phenomenal. They were so accurate that it was hard to believe I wasn't listening to a recording of their album. Chris was a little bit off but I suppose that's how it is when you're jumping around on stage, you can't sound exactly like the song on the radio.

When they sang Yellow a bunch of giant balloons filled with confetti dropped from the roof and bounced around on the crowd. It was great watching the balloons explode and the confetti scattering all over everyone. Unfortunately none of the balloons ever made it our way but I took some video of it going on around us :)

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