
It's Spring!

Yesterday we decided to do some gardening, so while we were digging up the grass, Ava was digging in the mud. We ended up having to take her dress off so she spent most of the afternoon wearing nothing but a t-shirt and underpants that fit over her diaper. It didn't take long before she was covered in dirt and even had a scrape on her knee. She seemed to have a really nice time playing outside and she's getting better at not eating pebbles and miscellanious debris. (Although I did catch her eating a small piece of mud at one point)

This morning we went to a play group and on the way home she started singing 'Row, Row, Row Your Boat'. She was actually pretty good at it too! I had no idea she knew so many of the words. Her version went like this:

Row your boat gently down the stream
If you see a crocodile, don't forget to scream! ('forget to' actually sounds more like 'get a')

It really surprised me when she started singing it. She's getting better with sentences as well. A few days ago she came in the back door and said 'It's a bit too windy outside!' And she actually meant it. She had decided she didn't like the weather so she came back in the house.

She's getting very good at recognising shapes, and she knows her colours. She can sing most of the alphabet and is getting pretty good at singing The Incy Wincy Spider. Sadly she no longer says 'down came the rainbow and washed the spider out' she says it correctly these days. I'll miss the image of a rainbow coming down and washing the spider out, it's so cute.

We're off to go see Cody and Isabelle for a play date now!

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