
Nearly 19 Months

Ava has been having a really good week, she's been so well behaved during the day and sleeping well at night. In fact, yesterday she let me sleep until 9:45! I went in to see if she was awake, and she was just sitting in her crib playing with toys and reading her books. She has been doing that most mornings, rather than crying and whining until one of us gets out of bed and goes to her. Such a nice change!

She'll be 19 months old tomorrow, and I still can't believe how quickly that's happened. I haven't weighed her in ages so I have no idea how heavy she is, but she's wearing 18-24 month size clothing, so she seems to be where she should be.

She loves to sing songs, particularly 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star' and 'Incy Wincy Spider'. She gets upset when the 'rainbow' (as she says) washes the spider out, but then she shouts YAY! when he climbs up the spout again.

I've managed to get some video of her singing the first part of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, but she gets distracted by her farmyard and decides she'd rather play with that instead!

I took her to Tumble Tots yesterday and we had the whole place to ourselves! Ava enjoyed trying new things like stepping from one block to the next, sort of like stepping-stones, and she climbed a ladder to reach the top of a slide. Her favourite event seemed to be the hoola-hoops. One of the instructors was swinging it around on her arm and Ava kept trying to copy her. The ladies really liked Ava, they couldn't believe what a little chatterbox she was. Whenever she completed an obsticale she would jump up and say 'Did it! Good girl!' with a big smile on her face.

She's talking in sentences now and it's very unusual for us to have to guess what she means. Most often she'll walk into a room and say 'Hello mummies, what you doing there?' and she almost always remembers her manners: 'Like some cheese, pleeaaase?' and then 'Fank you mummy.'

She loves to hide things inside the oven mitt, and the other day I found:

- 5 spoons
- 2 fruit cups
- a plastic cup
- sippy cup handles
- a rubber mat used to suction her dishes to the high chair tray
- and Iggle Piggle

all inside one oven mitt!

It started with farm animals but I guess she figured out she could hide many more things and it's now entertainment for all of us. It made me laugh when I saw Iggle Piggle stuffed in there, upside down, feet sticking out of the top.

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