
Learning all the time

I just love Ava so much. I love watching her sleep. I love her little head, her little face, her little hands. She's so sweet and happy that even when you're in a terrible mood all it takes is that cheeky little grin from her to cheer you up completely.

She's becoming so active it's almost getting hard to keep up. If I set her on the floor now you can guarantee she won't be in the same spot a few seconds later.

Yesterday I accidently spilt some water in her room so I set her on the floor while I went to clean it up and she was moving so fast toward the rocking chair's foot stool I had to keep pushing it further away from her while trying to wipe up the water. She's a speedy little thing! And she always goes for the stuff she shouldn't play with.

Right now she's crawling around under a chair next to me in the kitchen. I let her try out as much as she wants to as long as it's not dangerous and I'm close enough to stop her from hurting herself.

She's not exactly crawling yet, mainly because we haven't got carpet and it's hard for her to get grip with her knees and feet, so she drags herself around with her hands gripping the hardwood floor. She looks like a baby seal :)

Some tricks she's learned since January 1st:
- how to drink out of a bottle
- how to hold her own bottle
- how to eat textured food
- she sleeps in her own bed in her own room
- she naps during the day in her room
- she laughs when you play hide-and-seek
- she can sit on her own for long periods of time
- she happily plays with toys by herself
- she can 'crawl' around on the floor
- she rocks her highchair from side to side
- she can smack wooden blocks together to make noise

She's definitely a busy little monkey! She discovered the rocking highchair move the other day when I was feeding her. The chair has one leg shorter than the rest so it wobbles a little bit and she likes to make it rock. She wiggles herself from side to side with a funny little expression on her face, squinty eyes and a big grin with her chin sticking out. It's really cute actually. I love seeing her play and discover things.

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