
Whirlwind Canada Visit

It's been a crazy few weeks!

Since the middle of August, things have been a mixed combination of stressful, fun, surprising and expensive.

On August 15th we had a very important appointment at the United Kingdom Border Agency to apply for my next visa. £1350 and 6 hours later we walked away with it stamped into my passport. One stress down, one more to go!

On the 23rd of August we got on a plane at Heathrow and headed to Toronto for our wedding.

We stayed with my mom and dad while we were there and they put up with us so well! I don't know if I could have handled having 2 messy people and a tornado-like toddler for 3 whole weeks.

On the 27th I went out for lunch with my bridesmaids (minus Ruthie who said she had plans.) And when I got back to the house I was greeted by about 20 friends and family members who were there to attend my surprise bridal shower!

Ruthie, mom and my grandma had put together a beautiful shower for me and I had such a nice time. The food was delicious and I know they all put in a lot of time and work for the shower, I feel so special!

The following Friday my bridesmaids had a big day planned for me: manicure and pedicure at the Silveryblue Butterfly spa, dinner at Alice Fazooli's and then an evening out at Emma's Back Porch. It was time for my bachelorette party!

Before we left for Emma's, the girls surprised me at the house with some pre-drinks and a British themed party - including matching t-shirts for everyone!

Once we arrived at the bar, the girls made me complete 20 tasks by the end of the night. Some examples of these tasks are:

- find a cute guy and ask him to practice walking down the aisle with you.
- give a random guy a shoulder massage.
- kiss a bald man's head.
- have your photo taken in the mens washroom.
- get a pair of underwear from a guy.

And so on...

Somehow I actually managed to do every single task! The only difficult one was finding someone else named Graham, and someone else named Becky and having them sign my shirt. We only managed to find a guy with the middle name Graham so we had to settle for that.

It was a really fun night and I had such a good time. My bridesmaids are the best!!

*I will add pictures when I get a chance.*

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