
Barge Trip & Hospital Visit

This past weekend we went on a barge trip, which was a birthday present for Graham from his brother and sisters. If you're not familiar with what a barge (or narrowboat) is, see here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Narrowboat

Inside there was 2 bedrooms, 2 toilets, 1 shower & sink, a kitchen and a living room. We had enough space to sleep 6 adults and Ava, so it was a pretty big boat. It was a lovely trip up and down a canal for three days, however on Saturday while we were stopped in the village of Newbury, we ended up having to take Ava to the local emergency room.

We were sitting outside at one of the pubs, just having a drink while deciding what to do about dinner. Ava was running around on the patio, and after a few minutes Robin got up and they were dancing around on the deck together. Suddenly Ava fell forward and landed on her forehead. We didn't realise anything was wrong until Robin picked her up and we saw she had blood pouring all down her face.

It turned out she had landed on a piece of broken glass and had quite a deep cut on her head. Graham and I took her to the hospital to have it cleaned up and repaired. Luckily she didn't need a stitch, they just put some sort of healing glue on it and told us to keep it dry for 5 days. It forms a scab and heals without a stitch that way. It's pretty gross to look at but hopefully it'll heal soon.

I think there will probably be a scar left behind, but at least it's right at the hair line and shouldn't be too noticeable.

At the hospital they gave Ava a cute little teddy bear dressed in yellow to keep her happy. We were back on the boat maybe 15 minutes when it was dropped overboard. Luckily one of the guys was able to fish it out and it survived the rest of the boat trip.

Aside from the detour to the hospital, it was a really relaxing weekend. I'd love to do it again sometime, it's a shame it's so expensive to hire these boats.

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