

Oops! It's been far too long since I last updated this journal! (Sorry Ava!)
Lets see... what have I missed since September....In October we decided surprise my family with a visit from the three of us, so we booked some last minute tickets and on the 21st we showed up at my parents' front door. No one had any idea that we were coming and it was a lot of fun surprising them :)

We had a great visit, it was really low key this time which was nice. We took Ava trick-or-treating for Halloween and she loved it. She caught on so quickly that by the time we hit the 4th house she was practically running down the street to the next one! She knocked on the doors saying 'knock, knock, knock' and would hold out her bucket for candy. Occasionally she would hand some of her candy back to the person at the door, and then even try to close the door on them saying 'bye bye!' at the same time. She was very curious to meet their dogs too. Every house she went to she would ask for Augie or Daisy and try to go inside :)

She refused to let go of her M&M's

An 18 month old little boy came to our door dressed as a monkey and he and Ava seemed to develope some sort of friendship together. After everyone said 'bye bye' we closed the door and they both continued to stare at eachother through the glass. It was pretty cute :)

Our little puppy all finished trick-or-treating! (That costume was meant for 18 month olds and it's much too small for her!)

We also took her to Woodbine Centre for the afternoon one day. They have a big playland full of rides and fun things to do. I went with my brother and sister when we were really young so I wanted to take Ava someday as well. I took her on the carousel and some hot air balloon ride, Graham and my dad took her on the little train and my mom took her on the ferris wheel. It was really quite in the centre so we didn't have to wait for any of the rides and since there were no crowds we could let Ava wander around a bit more freely.

Taking a Bumper Boat for a spin

Riding the carousel. When looking through photographs later, we discovered that Ava is riding the exact same horse that Robbie was on the day we went in 1985!

Grandpa (Papa) teaching Ava all about trains

Ava & Grandma
Ava & Daddy on the train

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