
Sleepy Monkey

This morning I put Ava in her playpen while I was trying to clean up the kitchen. We're having a bit of a problem with ants at the moment so I need to make sure there isn't a single crumb anywhere. An almost impossible task when you have an 11 month old baby who likes to throw food on the floor.

While I was cleaning I could hear her whining a bit and chewing on some of her toys. I had my back to her while I cleaned the stove top and after a minute I noticed that she had stopped making any noise. When I looked behind me I saw her sprawled out on her stomach in the playpen, completely still.

Of course I panicked, thinking something was wrong but then I realised that she had just fallen asleep. She looked so sweet, cuddling her toys. It scared me only because she never falls asleep anywhere other than her bed or in the car.

Yesterday we took her cycling in the New Forest. It was her first time riding in one of those baby buggies that attach to the back of your bike. She was good half of the time, but the other half she cried. I think it was a little too bouncy for her, and I think she's still a bit too small for it.

We got to see a few ponies while we were on the bikes, but not very many. Ava was really excited by the baby pony we saw at one point. She would press her face against the screen of the buggy and squeal at the horses.

Unfortunately we forgot to take the camera with us so we didn't get any pictures. We had a very nice time though and maybe we'll do it again before the end of the summer.

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