
Baby's First Cold

I've been wondering when it was going to happen and it looks like it's here. Ava's been sneezing all day and her nose has started running. Her left eye is watery too, poor baby. She seems to be in a decent mood at least so I'm happy about that.

We were supposed to go to Mad Academy (a baby group thing) this afternoon but Ava and I had to leave the house at 9:00am to take Graham's sister to a job interview in Guildford for 10:00, which was 2 hours, and then she met up with a friend for a drink afterward so it was nearly 1:00 before we finally left which was just enough time to get to Mad Academy but since Ava had been out all morning, hadn't napped, hadn't had her lunch yet and had started showing signs of a cold, I decided it might be better if we didn't go.

Aside from the cold, some new things that Ava has been doing this week are:

- If you click your tongue at her, she'll click hers back :)
- I taught her how to splash the water in the bathtub
- If you smack the table with your hand, she'll smack it with hers
- She sometimes waves at people who are waving to her

Happy Baby :)

I left her with her juice cup for 2 minutes and when I came back she was absolutely soaked!

And quite pleased with herself too.

I tried to get a picture of her covered in juice but she wouldn't stand up or sit up straight.

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