
7 Months

She's 7 months old today and I know I say this every single month but where has the time gone?? I just can't believe how fast it goes by and how fast she's growing up. Yesterday I was cleaning out her cupboard and I found a teeny tiny little white dress that she had as a newborn and I just couldn't get over how small it was. It was even a bit too big for her when she first wore it too! She's turning into a toddler so quickly.

Today I took her to the baby weigh clinic and she's now just over 17lbs, exactly where she should be. She's following her growth line perfectly and is right on the 50th percentile.

She's sleeping reasonably well at night, and has two daytime naps (in her crib!) She's happy most of the time and is always so pleased to see Graham and I. She really likes her morning porridge and her bottles. She's not too crazy about her dinner meals but she loves the fruit I give her for dessert.

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