
Cry Baby

I love my little Ava bug so much, but she's driving me crazy right now!!

She's over 4 months old now and has never slept through the night. 75% of the time I will put her to sleep by feeding her and set her into her moses basket where she will sleep for about 3 hours. She always wakes up around 1:30 0r 2am and I have to pick her up. She'll only fall back to sleep by feeding so 99% of those times she ends up in bed with me because I can't stay awake long enough to get her back into her basket.

The other 25% of nights she'll fall asleep while I feed her, but wakes up the second her head hits the mattress of her basket. It's then another hour while I try to get her back to sleep and settled in her own bed before I give up and just put her in our bed with us where she spends the entire night. I hate it, but it's the only way anyone in the house gets any sleep at all.

We've been trying so hard to get her to fall asleep on her own by setting her into her bed when she's tired and then leaving the room or hiding out of sight.

She screams, and screams and screams. We leave her for 5 or 10 minutes before we show our faces and try and get her to calm down without picking her up.... It never works. She still cries and cries and cries until we finally give in and pick her up. Even then she's still too upset to calm down so I end up feeding her again! It's a vicious cycle and I'm going crazy because of it. All I want is for her to fall asleep on her own, but it just seems impossible. We've left her for more than an hour and a half (checking on her every 10 minutes and letting her know we're still around) but she still never calms down or goes to sleep.

I don't know what to do. Part of me is ready to just give up and keep feeding her to sleep for as long as it takes but then I know we'll just be creating a monster and we need to get this sorted sooner rather than later.

So frustrating!

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