
Potty Trained AND a Big Girl Bed

We set up Ava's new big girl bed yesterday and her first night was a success! She only woke up once in the night and after I sat with her for a few minutes she fell back to sleep until 8am!

She's been in bed for nearly 3 hours now and so far so good. She cried a little bit about an hour after she went to sleep but only for a few seconds.

We've put the potty in her room so if she needs to pee in the night she can. We're also still using nappies overnight in case of accidents. She's pretty much completely potty trained now, which is great. Most nights she wakes up around 3am to use the toilet (even though she has a diaper on) but last night she didn't want to go when she woke up. I did notice that her diaper was a little bit wet when I got her dressed this morning though, but I'm not sure when that happened.

Once she's been settled into her big girl bed for a few weeks I'll try and take away her bedtime milk and that should help with staying dry overnight.
My little baby is growing up so quickly!

(Ignore the ugly blue carpet - if it were my house it would have been out of there a LONG time ago!)


New Clothes!

My mom sent over several cute new outfits for Ava and this is the one she chose to wear yesterday.

She went through a pretty big growth spurt a few weeks ago and now most of her clothes don't fit anymore. (Thanks for the new clothes mom!)

Potty training is going really well, Ava uses the potty or the toilet every time she needs to pee or poo during the day. At night she still wears a diaper but most days when she wakes up it's still dry.

She is getting her last molars in now, I've seen the two at the top coming through but not the ones on the bottom yet. I think sometimes they hurt and she gets a bit grumpy because of it but most of the time she seems okay.

She's such a happy little bug and gives the best hugs!